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Surgical instruments>Nasopharynx biopsy forceps
      Promulgator :helly@rig123.com      Time:2023-07-04

Medical instruments>Surgical instruments>Nasopharyngeal biopsy forceps

1. Jinzhong Nasopharynx Living Sampling Pliers H7C010 15cm Tubular Type with Interface φ 4H7 version optical pliers
2. Jinzhong Nasopharynx Living Sampling Pliers H7C020 15cm Tubular Type with Interface φ 3H7 version optical pliers
3. Jinzhong Nasopharynx Living Sampling Pliers H7C030 15cm Tubular Downbend 30 ° with Interface φ 4H7 version optical pliers
4. Jinzhong Nasopharynx Living Sampling Pliers H7C040 15cm Tubular Downbend 70 ° with Interface φ 4H7 version optical pliers
5. Shanghai Jinzhong Nasopharynx Biopsy Forceps Upward Bend 70 ° φ four
6. Shanghai Jinzhong nasopharyngeal biopsy forceps φ four
7. Shanghai Jinzhong nasopharyngeal biopsy forceps φ three

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