Imaging diagnosis and treatment
CT computed tomography scanner
SOMATOM Product Family
1. SOMATOM X.cite
X-ray computed tomography equipment
The intelligent "X" platform provides full protection
2. SOMATOM Confidence slide CT
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Born for the operating room
3. X-ray computed tomography equipment
Dual source CT high-end equipment
Product model: SOMATOM Drive
SOMATOM Drive powered by AVATAR
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Dual source CT
4. 4. Product model: SOMATOM Force
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Comprehensive clinical solutions
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Comprehensive clinical solutions

5. SOMATOM go. Now Pearl Edition
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Born for precision imaging examination

6. SOMATOM go. Top
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Accurate escort, intelligent creation, and brilliance
7. SOMATOM go. Fit
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Smart Image, Extraordinary

8. SOMATOM go.Up
X-ray computed tomography equipment
Product name: X-ray computed tomography equipment
Registration Certificate No.: GXZZ No.20173301353