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Laboratory equipment accessories
      Promulgator :helly@rig123.com      Time:2023-08-16

Medical consumables and accessories>Laboratory equipment accessories

1. Hengzi anaerobic incubator accessories: discolored silicone
2. Hengzi anaerobic incubator accessories: palladium particle molecular sieve
3. Hengzi anaerobic tank debugging fee
4. Various specifications of electric heating pipes for the water temperature box of Botai water bath pot
5. Botai incubator, drying oven, electric heating tube, various specifications
6. Botai waterproof water tank with stainless inner liner 600 #
7. Botai waterproof water tank with stainless inner liner 500 #
8. Botai waterproof water tank with stainless inner liner 400 #
9. Botai waterproof water tank with stainless inner liner 350 #
10. Botai drying oven door handle
11. Botai vacuum door sealing ring
12. Various specifications of door seals for the blowing box of the Botai incubator
13. Various models of Botai compressors
14. Botai condenser
15. Botai incubator fan and blower motor
16. Botai vacuum box temperature controller (including probe)
17. Botai incubator, drying oven, LCD screen temperature controller
18. AB board of the LCD screen temperature controller for the isolation tank of the Botai biochemical tank
19. Hengping electronic balance accessories: power adapter JA50002

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